stubalyzer.collect module

API for analyzing Python stubs using mypy.

stubalyzer.collect.IGNORED_MODULE_SYMBOLS = ['__doc__', '__name__', '__package__', '__file__', '__path__']

Module level definitions that will not be collected by collect_types.

stubalyzer.collect.collect_types(symbol_node: mypy.nodes.SymbolNode, collected_types: Optional[Set[str]] = None) Iterable[Union[mypy.nodes.Decorator, mypy.nodes.FuncDef, mypy.nodes.OverloadedFuncDef, mypy.nodes.Var, mypy.nodes.TypeInfo, mypy.nodes.TypeVarExpr, mypy.nodes.TypeAlias]][source]

Collect all relevant type definitions of the symbols in the given node.

  • symbol_node – any symbol node, e.g. MypyFile (BuildResult.graph.tree)

  • collected_types – used to avoid collecting duplicates

stubalyzer.collect.get_stub_types(stubs_path: str, mypy_conf_path: str, root_path: Optional[str] = None) Iterable[Tuple[Union[mypy.nodes.Decorator, mypy.nodes.FuncDef, mypy.nodes.OverloadedFuncDef, mypy.nodes.Var, mypy.nodes.TypeInfo, mypy.nodes.TypeVarExpr, mypy.nodes.TypeAlias], str]][source]

Analyze the stub files in stubs_path and return module and class definitions of stubs as symbol nodes.

Only relevant symbol nodes (e.g. for variables, functions, classes, methods) are returned. They contain the type annotation information.

  • stubs_path – where all the stub files are located

  • mypy_conf_path – path to mypy.ini

  • root_path – path to the code directory where the type analysis is started

stubalyzer.collect.is_stubbed_module(module: bool[source]

Check if a module’s types were loaded from a stub.


module – The module to check